
Showing posts from May, 2019

Arnold Schwarzenegger

 Arnold Schwarzenegger Avskrivet Av: DIXY    92-01-15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Den dumma muskelknutten Arnold Schwarzenegger som besegrade USA  STÖRST OCH RIKAST  -----------------  I början så skrattade alla bakom ryggen på Arnold  Schwarzenegger, den  korkade muskelbyggaren från Österrike, som gick omkring i Hollywood och sa  att han skulle bli världens störste filmstjärna. Nu har skratten tystnat.  Egentligen är det rena underverket att Arnold Schwarzenegger idag är den  störste ab de största i Hollywood. visserligen i rena actionfilmer av  våldsammaste karaktär som knappast får några poäng av filmsnobbar. Men vem  bryr sig om Oscarsstatyetter om man kan få miljoner på banken istället. Inte  Arnold i alla fall.  Det fanns ingenting i hans bakgrund som tydde på framgång i filmvärldens  centrum när han växte upp i Österrike. Vi...

PEANUTS: List of Books Reprinting the Strips

From: Jym Dyer <> Newsgroups: rec.arts.comics.strips,rec.arts.books Subject: PEANUTS: List of Books Reprinting the Strips (Revised) Message-ID: <Jym.16Dec1992.1653@naughty-peahen> Date: 17 Dec 1992 00:53:39 GMT Organization: The Naughty Peahen Party Line Lines: 416 =o= I am pleased to announce that this latest revision of the list -- completed, as it is, on Beethoven's birthday -- now accounts for all the books that reprint _Peanuts_ strips.  There are still a few unknowns (they're flagged with question marks), but I'm pretty sure I've got all the books. =o= At some point I'll probably avail myself of an online Library of Congress Catalog facility to fill in the gaps, but the list provided here was lovingly compiled by hand, and is derived mostly from the records I've kept of my own collection of _Peanuts_ books, which I started keeping at age six.     <_Jym_> -------------8<-------------Cut-Here----...

(Parody) Blackadderlon 59

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  Copyright (C) 1993 by Thomas H. Golden, Jr., all rights reserved.  No part of  this work may be used or reproduced  in any manner whatsoever without written  permission  from  the  author,  with  the  exception  of  1) brief quotations  embodied in critical articles or reviews, and 2) the complete, unaltered text  of this work, including this disclaimer (or an electronic document containing  same and which has been data-compressed using a lossless algorithm) when used  or reproduced for private and non-commercial use only.  'BLACKADDERLON 59'  is an unauthorized  parody of the  'STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE  NINE',  'BABYLON  5'   and  'BLACKADDER'  television  series.   None  of  the  individuals or companies associated with these seri...